Non-Procedural Query Language: Relational-type database include a data manipulation language called SQL ( Structured Query Language). 非过程化的查询语言:关系型数据库包括一种称作结构化查询语言(StructuredQueryLanguage,SQL)的数据操作语言。
Data Definition Language ( DDL) and Data Manipulation Language ( DML) 数据定义语言(DDL)和数据操作语言(DML)
Resource use for each data manipulation language ( DML) syntax element varies; therefore, strive to make the set of data the same as or close to the same as the data that is received in a production environment. 每种数据操作语言(DML)语法元素的资源使用情况各不相同;因此,需要尽力让数据集与在生产环境中收到的数据相同或接近。
You can execute both data definition language ( DDL) and data manipulation language ( DML) statements, and obtain and display the results using this tool. 您可以执行数据定义语言(DDL)和数据操作语言(DML)语句,并使用该工具来获取和显示结果。
Its name was changed for legal reasons to SQL ( Structured Query Language) even though it was built out to become a full data manipulation and definition language. 出于法律原因它被更名为SQL(StructuredQueryLanguage),虽然它的构建初衷是成为一个完全的数据操作和定义语言。
We could issue some Data Manipulation Language ( DML) statements, but because we have PHP installed, we will create and use a simple PHP form for inserting new records in the database. 我们可以发出一些数据操纵语言(DataManipulationLanguage,DML)语句,但由于我们已经安装了PHP,因此我们将创建并使用一个简单的PHP表单,用来在数据库中插入新记录。
SQL has two main components: a Data Definition Language ( DDL) and a Data Manipulation Language ( DML). SQL有两个主要部分:数据定义语言(DDL)和数据操纵语言(DML)。
SSDS you can think of as a structured data store in the cloud ( building block service), which is accessed using Internet protocols using a basic data manipulation language. 你可以认为SSDS是一个可以存储结构化数据的云(用以构建大型应用),你可以使用基本的数据操作语言通过互联网协议对它进行访问。
Data manipulation language processor This process is called data reduction. 数据操作语言处理程序这个过程叫做数据处理。
The data manipulation language ( DML) is used to operate ( store, search, delete, update, etc) the database. 用DML语言对库进行操作(存储、检索、删除、修改等)。
This article completes this research after lucubrates in the differences of heterogeneous databases. By researching semantic integration and transforming, the article achieves the transforming Data Manipulation Language into an object. 本文通过研究异构数据库之间的差异,以及异构数据库间相同的语义对象的转化,语义集成,完成对数据库操作语言对象化的转换。
As the interface between users and data stream management system, data stream manipulation language shows the characteristic of data stream processing to considerable extend. 数据流的操作语言作为用户与数据流管理系统之间进行语义交换的桥梁,从很大程度上体现出了数据流处理的特点。
It provides Data Definition Language ( DDL), Data Manipulation Language ( DML), as well built-in functions, such as: Sum, Average, Count, Maximum and Minimum. 此系统设有数据定义语言DDL、数据操纵语言DML;还有求和、求平均值、计数、求最大值、求最小值等库函数。
To analyse the time constraint of real-time information system and give a brief introduction tO the study of real-time database system on data model, data manipulation language, transaction schedule, concurrency control and architecture. 从实时信息系统的时限特点出发,综述了国内外实时数据库关于数据模型、数据操纵语言、事务调度、并发控制及总体结构诸方面的研究与发展。
Research on realizable system structure for spatial data manipulation language 空间数据操纵语言实现体系结构研究